Dec 16, 2020 · Geopathic stress rests on the idea that the Earth gives off a certain energy vibration that's disrupted by underground features.
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Geopathic Stress is a term used to describe the variety of energies emanating from the Earth that rise up and become distorted by man-made and natural sources.
This article explores the concept of geopathic stress, its effect on the environment and the implications of this for the individual's healing process. It is ...
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Oct 29, 2018 · Geopathic Stress1 is the energy emitted by the earth is the primary cause for degenerative illness as well as chronic Health conditions and ...
This may be one of the causes for induction of degenerative diseases like heart attack, cancer, etc as the age increases. Conclusion. The work tries to bring ...
The effect of G/P stress changes the physiological frequencies at the cellular level and the organism is led to chronic and degenerative diseases.
The action of H/M stress alters the normal frequencies in cellular level and the organism is moving towards chronic and degenerative diseases. The ...
Geopathic stress can affect all living beings including humans, animals and plants. It is primarily associated with sick building syndrome, potentially lead to ...
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Geopathic Stress is energy that emanates from the earth. It affects people's health all over the world and works in a very covert manner.
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Aug 20, 2015 · Geopathic stress is a kind of mash-up between electrosmog, feng shui and dowsing (another phenomenon simply explained via the ideomotor effect).
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