Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy for either men or women. Håkansson et al.204 also found no increased risk for multiple sclerosis and they observed a decreased risk for epilepsy. A meta-analysis of five occupational studies found no risk of MS (OR = 1.0, 95 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... Seizures Electroencephalography ( EEG ) , 161 Electromagnetic energy , 161 applications , 161 , 162 Electromagnetic fields ( EMF ) cancer , see Cancer epilepsy , see Epilepsy Multiple Sclerosis , see Multiple Sclerosis Parkinson's ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF , 2 : 204– 205 data logging systems , distribution lines , 1 : 27-29 occupational epidemiological studies right ... Epilepsy , see Focal epilepsy Erythrocyte reactivation electromagnetic fields immune system effects , 2 : 121 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy. In a generalized seizure, somatosensory spikes are often first seen in the motor cortex and thalamic nuclei before they spread throughout the CNS. Spike wave ac- tivity dominates the EEG recordings during infancy and childhood ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy patients and the effects of electromagnetic field exposure were studied in the foramen ovale electrode EEG of these patients . Application of the magnetic field caused a significant increase in epileptiform activity detected at ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... seizures , 110–111 , 110t prognosis and ongoing management of epilepsy , 417-418 Rasmussen encephalitis , 211 Evoked magnetic fields ( EMF ) , 27 , 28f Experimental models of seizure and epilepsy , 53-56 acute brain slices , 53-54 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy patients by removing parts of their skull and, while they were awake, probing the brain with electrical stimulation, searching for the origin of the seizure [15]. Once he found the source, he could surgically remove that part ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy and brain tumors incidence, prodromal symptoms several years before a glioma diagnosis (up to 8 years) were more frequently observed among low-grade and high-grade glioma cases than in controls; a similar association, but ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy (Ikeda, 2001). Although the initial seizure response to trauma and excess iron is relatively swift (Ueda et al., 1998), the long-term consequences of intracranial bleeding on the formation of various magnetic iron compounds in ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... seizure present in genetically study, we examined epilepsy-prone the effect rats of (GEPRs) acoustic of range Krushinsky of electromagnetic Molodkina field strain. (EMF) A five on days the behavioral exposure to manifestation EMF (10000 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy for either men or women. Hakansson et al. [161] and colleagues also found no increased risk for Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis and they observed a decreased RR for epilepsy. In sum, there is no evidence linking EMF ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF changes elicited in 00564 the cat's cortex by - - ELECTRICAL STIMULATION.Somatic motor and sensory represent- 00178 ation in the cerebral cortex of man as studied by of ethosuximide ELECTRICAL STIMULATION.Effect on the threshold and ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMFs , Nature 374 : 123 . Kirschvink , J.L. , Kobayashi - Kirschvink A. , Diaz - Ricci J.C. , and Kirschvink S.L. ... Epilepsy and Behavior 2 : S74 - S80 . McLean , M.J. , Engstrom , S. , and Holcomb , R.R. , 2001 , Magnetic field ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF/EMR exposure increased the EEG power of the exposed subjects except for the case of the 1000 Hz pulsations ... epilepsy. Epileptic patients under the influence of the WC EMF exposure displayed a significant increase in the rate ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy . The MEP of unilateral hand muscles were recorded following paired - pulse TMS of the motor cortex . The authors concluded that paired - pulse TMS - induced MEP may provide predictive value in terms of surgical outcomes in ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF radiations on humans due to widespread use of electrical appliances. Reports have shown sufficient scientific ... epilepsy, leukemia, cancer, brain tumor, fatigue, headache, and loss of appetite, de- creased blood pressure and ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy : proconvulsive effects and interactions with antiepileptic drugs . Epilepsia . 2008 ; 49 ( 3 ) : 373–380 ... EMF , Plevak DJ , Wiesner RH , et al . Causes and outcome of seizures in liver transplant recipients . Neurology ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF research last spring ( see MWN , M / A90 ) . What all this adds up to is a growing likelihood that EMFs will ... epilepsy , as well as headaches , depression and lethargy . There is " a buildup of tension and fear " around EMF ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy.36 In one study , rectangular millisecond pulses were coupled at a 10 - Hz rate through electrodes placed over the anterior lobe of the cerebellum and automatically switched between two areas at 8 - min intervals . After an ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy.121 In one study , rectangular millisecond pulses were coupled at a 10 - Hz rate through electrodes placed over the anterior lobe of the cerebellum and automatically switched between two areas at 8 - min intervals . After an ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy— often have hallucinations. It's also true that EMF exposure dampens the body's natural production of melatonin. This has been shown in rats and in dairy cows housed inside a “bovine exposure chamber” at the McGill University ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... seizures : a 10 - year experience . Neurology 1984 ; 34 : 1582-1586 . 96. Lowry MR , Dunner FJ . Seizures during ... EMF , Plevak DJ , Wiesner RH , et al . Causes and outcome of seizures in liver transplant recipients . Neurology ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... Epilepsy Research, 44: 27-32. 40. Canseven, A.G., Keskil, Z.A., Keskil, S., Seyhan, N., 2004, Magnetic Field Alters the Pentylenetetrazol-Induced Seizures on Neither pre-Drug nor Post-Drug Exposure, International Electromagnetic Field (EMF) ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF. See Electromotive force EMFs. See Evoked magnetic fields EMG. See Electromyography EMU. See Epilepsy monitoring unit End plate activity, 406–8, 408f End plate potential (EPP), 330, 331 End plate spikes, 32, 406–7, 408f End plate ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... Electromagnetic fields, See ELF-EMF (Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields), ELF-EMF (Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields), v1 215 Elspar (asparaginase), v2 54, 112 Epilepsy, v1 178, 381, 384; v2 62, 66, 112, 152 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... seizures in epilepsy patients . Because the vagus nerve is associated with many different functions and brain regions, research is being done. 92 Electromagnetic Field , Health and Environment Mathematical Modelling of Vagus Nerve ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... electromagnetic field therapy: Basic principles of applica- tion for pain relief. In: Bioelectromagnetic Medicine. Marcel Dekker, NY, pp. 251–264. Rose D, Smith P, Sato S. (1987) Magnetoencephalography and epilepsy research. Science ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy . Cause : Same with subacute lepto meningitis . Cerebral hemorrhage . Cause : Same with arterio- sclerosis ... E. M. F. 251 July 13 , 1919 W. P. M. 252 July 18 , 1919 A. L. F. 253 July 27 , 1919 R. W. M. 254 July 24 , 1919 E. W. Μ .
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy: a case report and review of literature. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 16:858413. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2022.858413 Antunes, A., Glover, P. M., Li, Y., Mian, O. S., and Day, B. L. (2012). Magnetic field effects on the vestibular system ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... Epilepsy and anticonvulsants Brain tumor cases have a higher prevalence of a history of epilepsy and anticonvul ... Electromagnetic fields Among deaths in white males over 20 years of age in Washington State from 1950 through 1982 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy: a retrospective study from an epilepsy center in Saudi Arabia. Ann Saudi Med 39. McNamara NA, Romanowski EMF, Olson DP, Shellhaas RA. Bone health and endocrine comorbidities in pediatric epilepsy. Semin Pediatr Neurol 2017;24 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF than unmyelinated nerves ( which are mainly found in the gray matter of the central nervous system ( CNS ) ) . It has been suggested on general principles that persons with epilepsy may be more sensitive to 50 / 60Hz EMF than others ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy . Cause : Same with subacute lepto meningitis . Cerebral hemorrhage . Cause : Same with arterio- sclerosis ... E. M. F. 251 July 13 , 1919 252 July 18 , 1919 253 July 27 , 1919 W. P. M. A. L. F. R. W. M. 254 July 24 , 1919 E. W. M. ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF of frog skin . The ac- tion of a convulsant and a narcotic - 01306 BARBITURATE solutions by heat . The decomposition of — 09937 BARBITURATES alcohol , and other drugs . Convulsions in nonepileptic patients on withdrawal of - 05456 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF ( electromotive force ) , 23 EMG ( electromyography ) , 268 EMG electrodes , 66-67 emotional / affective experiences , 35 EMU ( epilepsy monitoring unit ) , 6 , 99–101 , 352 nonepileptic serious events , 101 overview , 99 serious ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF-exposed workers, as stated above, no other conditions are listed, whether in European Directive 2013/35/EU or in ... epilepsy or by a pathologic alteration of the cardiac rhythm, or similar, compared with healthy subjects ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy , leukemia , cancer , brain tumor , fatigue , headache , and loss of appetite , decreased blood pressure and itching . Many scientists and physicians suggest a link between these disorders and. Study of Electromagnetic Field ( EMF ) ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... ( EMF ) 407 , 407-8 , 414 challenges in epidemiologic studies 412 confounding 413 disease misclassification 413 ... epilepsy risk 318 herpes simplex 390 English Longitudinal Study of Aging 471 entrapment neuropathies 337-8 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... Epilepsy of infancy with migrating focal seizures ( EIMFS ) Electromotive force ( EMF ) , 43 , 47 Electroneutrality Excitation - inhibition ( E / I ) balance , KCC2 , 170–172 Excitatory postsynaptic currents ( EPSCs ) , 69 Excitatory ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMFS see evoked magnetic fields environmental noise , artifacts in MEG 67 EPIFOCUS algorithm 43 epilepsy and MEG 78–81 ictal discharges 81-82 epilepsy MEG investigations extratemporal lobe epilepsies ( ETLES ) 90-91 nonlesional temporal ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy 292 Electromagnetic field ( EMF ) exposure brain tumor risk 156 , 158 The Elimination of Barriers Initiative ( EBI ) 493-494 Emerin 249–250 , 249f Emery - Dreifuss muscular dystrophy ( EDMD ) 249 autosomal dominant ( AD - EDMD ) ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... ( EMF ) , seat of , 6 rules for , 8 Electronystagmography ( ENG ) . See ENG / VNG test battery Electrooculogram ... Epilepsy monitoring unit ( EMU ) , video - EEG monitoring in , 217-18 , 221 , 799-800 Epilepsy , surgical evaluation ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF from nearby transmission lines . Since the filing of the initial complaint , thirty - five plaintiffs have been ... epilepsy . This is the first EMF personal injury case in the United Kingdom . The case is still in its early ...
Epilepsy EMF from
Kaushik Majumdar. Embedding dimension , 108 , 145 , 147 EMF , see Electromotive force ( EMF ) EMG , see ... Epilepsy childhood absence , 139 focal , 135 , 144 , 234 primary generalized , 144 rolandic , 139 Epilepsy Epileptic ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... ( EMF ) , 4 Electromyography ( EMG ) amplification and , 15 artifacts , physiologic , 73 brain stem intraoperative ... Epilepsy ambulatory electroencephalography , 126–127 differential diagnosis , prolonged video EEG for , 131 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF and of the role of some modulation types in certain bioeffects; the existence of so-called frequency and ... epilepsy and epileptic syndrome, and epileptic predisposing. • When using a cell phone, the user should take measures ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy diagnosis , 58 , 59 skin surface and amplifier , 57 sphenoidal electrodes , 58 Electroactive materials EAP ... ( EMF ) , 9 , 117 Electromyogram ( EMG ) , 37 , 55 , 61 , 633 , 634 Electron microscopy ( EM ) , 341 LVSEM , 361 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy . Keywords : 50 Hz , extremely low frequency ( ELF ) , magnetic field ( MF ) , epilepsy , pentylenetetrazol ... ( EMF ) as a result of the rapid developments in science and technology . Among the biological systems most sensitive to ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... electromagnetic fields on endochondral bone formation . Ciombor. ELECTRODIAGNOSIS Clinical applications of ... epilepsy : clinical presentation , pre - operative EEG localization and surgical outcome . Quesney LF . Acta Neurol ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy surgery ? Pataraia E , et al . Neurology . 2004 Mar 23 ; 62 ( 6 ) : 943-8 . ( Changes of motor cortical ... EMF exposure from household appliances in the context of a retrospective epidemio- logical case - control study ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... Epilepsy and electromagnetic fields: Effects of simulated spherics and 100 Hz magnetic fields on audiogenic seizure in rats, International Journal of Biometeorology, 32, 17–20. Keshavan, M. S., Gangadhar, B. N., Gautam, r. u., Ajit ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF or not in- dexed by MEDLARS . The remaining differ- ences in journals represented must be attributed to dissimilarities in indexing and retrieval pro- cedures . 1 General aspects .... 66 15 22.8 2 Basic sciences . 238 46 19.3 3 Seizures ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... Epilepsy. turing or professional experience in relevant fields of psychoanalysis. Type: Scholarship Value: €3,300 per ... EMF, grants officer For further information contact: Tel: Fax: Email: (44) 208 432 0000 Free phone : (44) ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF EMF EMF EMF EME 62 63 64 67 123 TME TME TME 68 69 Epilepsy . 70 Convulsions ( nonpuerperal ) . 125 71 Convulsions of infants .. 3 288888 211 422 993 គន 20 20 18995 995 20 8889 Unknown . 88+ BUREAU OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES AND ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF, the individual is perhaps most interested in whether their ability to perform sensorimotor and higher cognitive ... epilepsy patients when RF EMF was given ipsilateral to seizure foci and TMS-induced resting motor- evoked ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF, grants officer For further information contact: Tel: Fax: Email: (44) 208 432 0000; (44) 8000 652 0390 (44) 208 ... Epilepsy Health Equity And Diversity Eligibility: 1. Hold a MD, DO, PhD, PharmD, doctorate of nursing, or ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF . The experimental results are given in Table 16 . The far right of the table shows that the most epileptogenic ... epilepsy " [ Pallis and Louis , 1961 ; Mawdsly , 1961 ] that have occurred in certain people when they tuned a ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF . The experimental results are given in Table 16 . The far right of the table shows that the most epileptogenic ... epilepsy " [ Pallis and Louis , 1961 ; Mawdsly , 1961 ] that have occurred in certain people when they tuned a ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF) are as- sociated with all aspects of the production, transmission, and use of electricity. The fields are ... epilepsy exist to evaluate the evidence. There is no evidence linking EMF and Parkinson's Disease and only very weak ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... (EMF-on, real exposure), in the other it was turned OFF (EMF-off, sham exposure), for 45minutes. MEPs were recorded ... epilepsy-related condition. The results showed that compared with the con- trol subjects, the epilepsy patients ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy who underwent rTMS prior to surgery [ 33 ] . A further consideration is whether exposure to the magnetic ... ( EMF ) from mobile phones and other sources . Given the average duration of the TMS magnetic pulse and the number ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF 00781 changes ELICITED in thin brain sections in artificial media . Propagation of after discharges 01982 ... epilepsy . Clinical evaluation of 15090 16201 - 16185 ELIPTEN ( a preliminary report ) . A new anticonvulsant ...
Epilepsy EMF from
Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D.. using magnesium for other types of seizures and epilepsy have not been forthcoming , many ... EMF studies found that the production of EMF side effects has to do with voltage - gated calcium channels ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy in the late 19th century [ 6 ] . Researchers are trying to develop the neuroprosthetic devices and neural ... EMF ) signal supposed to reducing stress and stabilizing heart rate . AMO + is a necklace type wearable device ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy , 352-355 benign rolandic , 352 , 354f epileptiform activity in , 352 excessive focal or generalized slow ... ( EMF ) radiation , and brain tumors , 1021 Electromyographic findings , in botulism , 1914 Electromyography ( EMG ) ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF ( Extremely low - frequency electromagnetic fields ) , ELF - EMF ( Extremely low - frequency electromagnetic ... Epilepsy , v1 120 , 256 , 258 , 326 , 328 , 360 , 388 , 400 , 402 , 429 Epilim ( sodium valproate ) , vl 130 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF ( Extremely low - frequency electromagnetic fields ) , ELF - EMF ( Extremely low - frequency electromagnetic ... Epilepsy , v1 124 , 266 , 268 , 340 , 342 , 375 , 404 , 417 , 419 , 446 Epilim ( sodium valproate ) , vl 134 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
Early disseminated disease , Epilepsy , vl 246 ; v2 92 , 96 , 235 , 240 , Genetic spasticity syndrome, Glutamine ... EMF ( Extremely low - frequency electromagnetic fields ) , ELF - EMF ( Extremely low - frequency electromagnetic ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy and intractable pain patients , have similar EMF - induced pathological band - like patterns , and the focus of the cancers or localized abnormal areas of the brain or areas of intractable pain often correspond to crossing ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF, which actually can promote cellular responses synergistically and be used as some aux- iliary treatment applied ... epilepsy because their brain electrical activ- ity is labile and vulnerable to changes caused by impercept ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... ( EMF ) radiation , 25 , 92 , 93 , 275 Elvehjem , Conrad , 262 Embryo implantation , 83-84 Embryo transfer , 84 , 222 ... Epilepsy , 39 , 49 , 96 , 105 , 194 , 235 Equipoise , 187 Erectile dysfunction , 117 , 193 , 202 Errors . See ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... ( EMF ) . Many documents listed in this appendix are used in the examination and treatment of patients and would not ... ( Epilepsy ) . Inst . 7 History . ting agency are also appropriate for retention in September 2 , 1987 293 - A - 1.
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF. Sources of EMF arise from increasingly present tech- nology (iTechnology) such as cell towers (including 5G, Wi ... epilepsy. However, the focus of this section is on the potential and documented hazardous interferences from ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... E.M.F. between metals and liquids , 172 NOTES AND ABSTRACTs - continued E.M.F.'s in wireless receivers , 174 Epilepsy , treatment of , by bromides , with or with- out chlorides , 260 Epithelioma from radio - dermatitis , 349 Epithelioma ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy . Part I final report . Albany : New York State Department of Health ; 1986. 31p . Patterson RM . Electric and magnetic field fundamentals . EPRI tutorial . Presented at the EPRI Utility Seminar . Pow- er - Frequency Electric ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF output of your computer and refrigerator is equivalent to the maximum stimulation intensity of NeuroField . In ... epilepsy . The difference is that with NeuroField we were doing it with pEMF and could affect any region of the ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy 2 : 171 sleep relationship 4 : 188 specificity 1 : 1086 , 1 : 1093-1094 transition to ictal discharge 1 ... ( EMF ) , brain tumors and 4 : 556 , 4 : 556 Electromyography ( EMG ) 1 : 1097–1103 , 3 : 327 amyotrophic lateral ...
Epilepsy EMF from
Provides a one-stop evidence-based guide to the management of all types of mood disorders.
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF ) and to make practical recommendations to Government . SAGE's First Interim Assessment : Power Lines and ... Epilepsy Mrs. Moon : Τo ask the Secretary of State for Health ( 1 ) what information his Department has on levels of ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF Biological Research Trust PO Box 23 South Croydon Surrey CR2 7ZL ( 020 ) 8760 0230 Charity supporting research into the health effects of electromagnetic fields . Epilepsy Research UK ( incorporating Epilepsy Research ...
Epilepsy EMF from
Collection of articles on the impact of nonlinear science on biology.
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF / ENAF Directed Team Grant ED Overcrowding Research Award 655 EMF / FERNE Directed Research in Neurological ... Epilepsy Foundation 3356 , 3366 Epilepsy Foundation of the Chesapeake Region 3368 Epilepsy Foundation of Idaho 3370 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy, rehabilitation of aphasia or hand function after stroke, neuropathic pain, visceral pain, and migraine ... EMF propagation through the body, TMS is unable to target specific neurons, and induced electric field ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy system designed by the eclipse editor EMF specifies they are currently receiving requests , but are busy at the moment ; ( iv ) emergencyOnly , which specifies they are currently available for receiving requests only on ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... Electromagnetic fields effect . Physiological Electromagnetic fields in biological media : part 1 , dosimetry a ... Epilepsy . The dental implications of epilepsy . , 78-1166 Plan for nationwide action on epilepsy . , 78-597 , 78 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... Electromagnetic fields in biological media : part 1 , dosimetry a primer on bioelectromagnetics / , 78-1101 ... Epilepsy . The dental implications of epilepsy . , 78-1166 Plan for nationwide action on epilepsy . , 78-597 , 78 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... Electromagnetic fields effect . Physiological Electromagnetic fields in biological media : part 1 , dosimetry a ... Epilepsy . The dental implications of epilepsy . , 78-1166 Plan for nationwide action on epilepsy . , 78-597 , 78 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... Electromagnetic fields in biological media part 1 , dosimetry - a primer on bioelectromagnetics / , 78-1101 ... Epilepsy . The dental implications of epilepsy . , 78-1166 Plan for nationwide action on epilepsy . , 78-597 , 78 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... Electromagnetic fields effect . Physiological Electromagnetic fields in biological media : part 1 , dosimetry a ... Epilepsy . The dental implications of epilepsy . , 78-1166 Plan for nationwide action on epilepsy . , 78-597 , 78 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy with psi phenomena , particularly poltergeists ( Roll , 1977 ) . Persinger ( 1988a ) notes that EMF temporal lobe seizures and generalized motor convulsions are most prominent between 2 and 4 a.m. , with a secondary peak at 10 ...
Epilepsy EMF from
The book reviews the current state of equipment for PEMFs and highlights worldwide therapeutic achievements. It explores the past, present, and future of PEMF therapies.
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy . 36 In one study , rectangular millisecond pulses were coupled at a 10 - Hz rate through electrodes placed over the anterior lobe of the cerebellum and automatically switched between two areas at 8 - min intervals . After an ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy (Goodman 2005; Goodman et al. 2005). Another potential application is for the treatment of cancer (Blackman 2012); more broadly, efforts are ... Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Treatment Modalities 15.2.1 Low-Frequency Sine Waves.
Epilepsy EMF from
... ( EMF ) , 828 Emergency care . See First aid EMF . See Electromagnetic fields ( EMF ) Emotional healing , 703 ... Epilepsy 603 books on , 1050 , 1058 , 1060 , 1061 hotlines on , 97-98 pamphlets on , 1382-85 Epilepsy Foundation of ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... Epilepsy and weather : A significant correlation between the onset of epileptic seizures and specific atmospherics — a pilot study . Intl J Biometeorol 28 : 333-340 Ruhenstroth - Bauer , G. , Baumer , H. , Burkel , E.M. , Sönning , W ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... Epilepsy Foundation of America Egyptian Society of Ultrasonics in Medicine see Jam'iyah al - Misriyah li - fawq al ... EMF see World Fertility Survey Emotions and behavior monographs . -- Monograph no . 1- [ New York , N.Y. ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... EMF see World Fertility Survey Emotions and behavior monographs . : see Monograph no . 1– [ New York , N.Y. ... Epilepsy advances and experimental research . Section A , Environmental see Epilepsy advances in clinical Epilepsy ...
Epilepsy EMF from
... epilepsy , sleep disorders , and brain injuries . In addition , EEG is also used in research to study brain function ... ( EMF ) refer to the physical fields produced by electrically charged objects . In the context of data science ...