Peeling back the history pages, The Benjamin Gate first formed in 1998 following the tragic automobile death of a musician friend named Ben. The effect of the loss - which Adrienne describes as "shocking us into finding our own existence" - brought together The Benjamin Gate's five members with the charge to take life by the reigns, and for them, it meant fulfilling their dream of starting a band. Within a mere matter of months, the group had recorded a demo and enjoyed radio play in their home country. The Benjamin Gate then recorded an EP, and when they sent the recordings to the U.S. for mastering, fate found its moment. A studio engineer flipped over the music and sent a copy to ForeFront/EMI Records, who in turned signed the group to an international record deal. The group came to America upon the album's 2001 release, and they've been touring the states ever since, stopping only to record Contact with untitled producer Quinlan in Nashville.
Revolutionary times bring about revolutionary ideas. For South Africa's top rock import, The Benjamin Gate, clicking the age counter in a nation facing historic changes - including the end of apartheid and the country's first democratic elections - stirred this female-fronted five-piece to the conviction that boundaries don't exist when it comes to life, hope, and imagination. Though not a political band, The Benjamin Gate makes the case for living a zealous life as they power out a musical style that emulates their own empowering message. Inspired to the hilt, The Benjamin Gate best manifests their compelling creative paradigm with their sophomore effort, Contact.

The Benjamin Gate - made up of singer Adrienne Liesching, bassist Costa Balamatsias, drummer Nick Volsteedt, and guitarists Marc Pautz and Chris Poisat - splashed the stateside shores in 2001 with their stunning rookie bow, untitled.
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