Hunger Crisis around the World

Everyday people fight over resources. Everyday a child starves. Everyday a person experiences unbelievable strife and suffering. Everyday thousands of people die of hunger. Everyday innocent children are born into this world of suffering.

In Africa, there are currently upwards of 40 million people that need food. Poor developing countries need billions of dollars of food aid to sustain their population. Parents cannot feed their starving children in countries like Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, and South Sudan. These people are in desperate need of relief.

The hunger crisis is not isolated to just Africa. It spreads far beyond that. In Asia, bilions of people are fighting against the future. As the population keeps expanding with no yield in sight, resources are stretched thin. Water has already been depleting, but with more demand from an unstoppable population growth comes more strain. Unpredictable weather and a lack of new land for cultivation accelerates the degredation of continent. A change in diet adds to the issue. Many people have been transitioning to a more western diet, which consists of food that takes exponentially more water to produce than the traditional diet of rice and cereal type foods.

The western world is not untouched by this predicament. Some Central American countries have a significant percentage of the population facing denourishment as well as some South American countries. In fact, Costa Rica and Belize are some of the few Central American countries not facing a food shortage in which citizens are unable to consume a sufficient amount of calories a day.

Although the global hunger crisis has been alleviated a bit, millions of people in countries throughout the world are struggling to get by.
