How to Get Rid of Camel Spiders


Unraveling the Secrets of these Desert Dwellers

Picture this: a creature silently scuttling across the desert sand, its long legs propelling it at speeds of up to 10 miles per hour. This astonishing creature is none other than the camel spider, also known as the wind spider, scorpions, or sun spiders. Despite their name, these intriguing arachnids are not true spiders but rather belong to the order Solifugae.

Let’s embark on an adventure as we delve into the fascinating world of camel spiders. Camel spiders boast an array of unique characteristics that set them apart from their spider relatives.

These intriguing creatures typically measure around 3 to 5 inches in their body length each, although some can grow even larger. Their elongated bodies are divided into two main segments: the cephalothorax and abdomen.

With distinctly large jaws and powerful chelicerae, they can deliver a painful bite if provoked. However, fear not!

Contrary to urban legends and exaggerated tales circulating online, camel spiders are non-venomous and pose no lethal threat to humans or pets. When it comes to habitat preferences, camel spiders are bound by their arid nature.

These hardy creatures call desert regions home, where they have adapted remarkably well over millions of years. From sandy dunes to rocky terrains, you’ll find them thriving in vast expanses across North Africa, the Middle East, and parts of North America.

Their ability to withstand extreme temperatures allows them to endure scorching days desert heat and frigid nights without faltering. Despite their formidable appearance, camel spiders play a vital ecological role by controlling populations of other pests in their habitats.

They feed on insects like beetles and crickets while also preying on small reptiles such as lizards and even birds half their size! The camel spider’s hunting technique is impressive, as they use their powerful legs to chase down their prey and immobilize them with their sharp jaws.

These fascinating creatures are a true testament to the marvels of nature. Whether you’ve encountered camel spiders in your desert adventures or simply want to arm yourself with knowledge, understanding these unique arachnids is the first step towards coexisting harmoniously.

In the following sections, we will explore various strategies to prevent camel spider encounters and address any concerns you may have regarding these intriguing creatures. So, let us embark on an enlightening journey into the world of camel spiders and uncover effective ways to rid ourselves of any unwanted interactions.

Explaining the potential dangers posed by camel spiders


Camel spiders, also known as sun spiders or wind scorpions, may seem like creatures straight out of a horror movie, but it’s important to separate fact from fiction when it comes to understanding the potential dangers they pose. Contrary to popular belief, camel spiders are not venomous and do not pose a direct threat to humans. While their appearance may be intimidating with their large size and eight legs, they are generally harmless.

These arachnids species primarily inhabit dry environments such as desert regions where hiding places are plentiful. They are voracious predators, feeding on insects and other small creatures like rodents, lizards, and small birds.

However, their prey does not include humans or larger animals. Despite their formidable appearance, camel spiders typically do not attack unless provoked or feel threatened in some way.

Dispelling common myths and misconceptions about them

There is no shortage of myths circulating about these intriguing creatures that often lead to unnecessary fear and misinformation. One common misconception is that camel spiders can jump great distances or run at astonishing speeds.

While they can move quickly due to their powerful jaws and long legs, they certainly do not possess superhuman abilities. Another popular myth surrounding what camel spiders live on is that they eat human skin or burrow into human bodies.

Rest assured; these sun spider claims are nothing more than urban legends without any scientific basis. Camel spiders have no interest in human flesh and would only bite if they perceive a threat from us.

It’s vital to separate fact from fiction when it comes to understanding the true nature of camel spiders. They may look fearsome with their unique appearance and rapid movements; however, there’s no need for undue concern or panic when encountering them in their natural habitats.

These remarkable arachnids play an essential role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems by preying on insects and small creatures. So, let’s appreciate and respect these fascinating creatures without succumbing to unfounded fears.

Keeping your surroundings clean and clutter-free to discourage their presence


In the battle against camel spiders, cleanliness is your most powerful weapon. These arachnids are attracted to cluttered spaces, where they can easily hide and find food sources. By keeping your surroundings clean and organized, you’ll greatly reduce the chances of a camel spider infestation taking hold.

Start by decluttering both indoor and outdoor areas, removing any piles of debris or old belongings that may serve as hiding spots for these creepy crawlies. Additionally, regularly sweep and vacuum your floors to eliminate potential prey that might attract them.

Sealing cracks, gaps, and openings in your home or property to prevent entry

Camel spiders are cunning creatures capable of squeezing through the tiniest gaps or cracks in walls, doors, or windows. To keep them out effectively, it’s crucial to seal any potential entry points around your home or property.

Inspect your doors and windows carefully for any gaps in the frame that could be an invitation for camel spiders to enter. Apply weather-stripping or draft guards around doors to create a tight seal that will deny them access.

Next, inspect the exterior of your building for openings in walls or foundations that may require attention. Caulk any visible cracks or crevices as these small openings can be an open invitation to camel spiders seeking shelter inside.

For added protection against these unwelcome intruders, consider using pest control dust specifically formulated for arachnids like camel spiders. Apply this dust around potential entry points such as door frames and windowsills as an extra barrier of defense.

Arachnid-Proofing 101: Creating a Hostile Camel Spider Environment

By following these preventive measures like keeping things tidy and sealing off access points with diligence, you can create an environment that makes camel spiders think twice before entering your living spaces. Remember, when it comes to deterring these arachnids, a clean and well-sealed home is key.

Utilizing Essential Oils to Repel Camel Spiders


Camel spiders may send shivers down your spine, but fear not, for there are natural remedies that can help keep these eight-legged creatures at bay. One such remedy is the use of essential oils, which have long been praised for their aromatic properties as well as their ability to repel insects. Lavender and peppermint oils, in particular, have shown promising results in deterring camel spiders.

Lavender oil, with its calming scent and soothing properties, is not only beloved by humans but also despised by camel spiders. Just a few drops of this fragrant oil on cotton balls strategically placed near entry points can work wonders in keeping these arachnids at bay.

Another option worth considering is peppermint oil which has been found effective in repelling various pests including camel spiders. Its strong scent overwhelms the delicate senses of these creepy crawlies, making them reconsider their decision to invade your living space.

Planting Spider-Repelling Herbs


If you enjoy gardening or simply like having a green thumb, then planting spider-repelling herbs like mint or eucalyptus might be the perfect solution for keeping camel spiders away from your garden or yard. These aromatic herbs not only add beauty and fragrance to your surroundings but also act as natural deterrents against many crawling critters. Mint plants emit a strong aroma that is delightful to humans but repugnant to camel spiders.

Planting mint around the perimeter of your garden or near door frames can create a barrier that drives these unwelcome visitors away. Eucalyptus trees or shrubs are another excellent choice; they release an odor that has been proven to deter various pests including camel spiders.

Remember, when using essential oils or planting spider-repelling herbs, it’s important to be patient. It may take some time for the scents to permeate and establish their presence.

So, don’t lose hope and keep your garden or living space well-stocked with these natural repellents to create an environment that camel spiders find inhospitable. In the next section, we will explore other physical barriers and traps that can further fortify your defenses against these creepy creatures.

Stay tuned! (Note: Camel spiders are non-venomous creatures; however, their bites can be painful. If you suspect a camel spider bite or encounter any health concerns related to pests, it is advisable to seek medical advice.)

Physical Barriers and Traps

Installing fine mesh screens on windows and doors to keep camel spiders out

When it comes to keeping camel spiders at bay, one of the most effective methods is to install fine mesh screens on your windows and doors. These screens act as a physical barrier, preventing these eight-legged creatures from sneaking into your living space.

Camel spiders are notorious for their ability to squeeze through tiny openings, so it’s important to make sure the mesh is tightly woven and properly secured. By having these protective screens in place, you can enjoy the cool breeze of an open window without worrying about unwanted arachnid visitors.

It’s crucial to regularly inspect the screens for any damage or holes that may have occurred due to fresh spider activity or other factors. Repair or replace damaged screens promptly to maintain their efficiency in keeping camel spiders outside where they belong.

Setting up sticky traps near potential entry points for effective capture

Another practical method for dealing with camel spiders is setting up sticky traps near their potential entry points. These traps work by luring the unsuspecting creatures towards them with enticing bait, only to leave them helplessly stuck once they step onto the adhesive surface. It’s important to strategically place these traps in areas where camel spiders are likely to seek shelter or attempt to infiltrate your home.

Common hiding spots include dark corners, basements, attics, or garages. Make sure you position the traps along walls or close to cracks and crevices where camel spiders are known to frequent.

Check these traps regularly and dispose of captured camel spiders feed and responsibly. Remember that while sticky traps are effective in capturing camel spiders without causing harm, it’s essential not to handle them directly as they can still give a nasty bite if threatened.

Use caution when handling trapped specimens by wearing gloves or using long-handled tools for removal. By installing fine mesh screens and setting up sticky traps, you can create formidable physical barriers against camel spiders, preventing their unwanted presence in your home.

Chemical Control Methods (as a last resort)


Insecticides: An Effective but Responsible Approach

When dealing with a stubborn camel spider infestation, sometimes you have to bring out the big guns. Insecticides formulated specifically for camel spider control can be highly effective in eradicating these hardy desert dwellers.

These formulations are designed to target and kill camel spiders, while minimizing harm to other beneficial insects and the environment. These insecticides typically contain potent active ingredients that disrupt the nervous system of camel spiders, leading to their demise.

When using these products, it is crucial to read and follow the instructions carefully. Always wear protective clothing, including gloves and a mask, as some insecticides may be harmful if inhaled or make contact with your skin.

Safer Alternatives: A Gentle Way to Combat Infestations

While chemical control methods can be effective, it’s important to prioritize responsible pest control practices. Whenever possible, consider exploring safer alternatives before resorting to harsh chemicals.

One such alternative is diatomaceous earth (DE), a fine powder made from fossilized remains of algae called diatoms. Diatomaceous earth acts as a desiccant that dehydrates and damages the exoskeleton of camel spiders upon contact.

It is relatively safe for humans and pets but deadly for these arachnids. Simply sprinkle DE around potential entry points or areas where you suspect camel spiders reside.

Remember to choose food-grade DE for safe application in living spaces. Another natural option worth considering is neem oil—an extract derived from the seeds of the neem tree native to South America and parts of Asia.

Neem oil has insecticidal properties that interfere with camel spiders’ feeding habits and reproductive cycles, eventually leading to their elimination. Dilute neem oil according to package instructions and apply it around your home or garden where needed.

Responsible Pest Control: Balancing Effectiveness and Safety

When using any chemical control method to prevent camel spiders, it’s crucial to strike a balance between effectiveness and safety. Always prioritize your well-being and the health of the environment when dealing with a camel spider infestation. Consider consulting with a professional pest control expert for guidance on choosing the most appropriate products and application techniques.

Remember, camel spider bites are extremely rare, and they are not venomous to humans. Therefore, it’s essential to evaluate the severity of the infestation before resorting to chemical intervention.

Whenever possible, rely on natural deterrents or physical barriers in conjunction with responsible pest control methods to minimize harm while effectively addressing the issue at hand. By adopting an informed and conscientious approach, you can successfully combat camel spider infestations without compromising your safety or harming the delicate balance of nature.

Expert Tips for Dealing with Infestations

Insights from Pest Control Professionals

When it comes to managing severe camel spider infestations, it’s always wise to seek the advice of pest control professionals. These experts possess valuable knowledge and experience in dealing with a wide range of pests, including these hardy desert dwellers.

By consulting them, you can benefit from their insights on effective strategies tailored specifically for camel spiders. Pest control professionals often emphasize the importance of a comprehensive approach when tackling camel spider infestations.

They recommend starting with a thorough inspection of your property to identify potential hiding places and entry points. Once these areas are identified, targeted treatments can be applied accordingly.

Exploring Advanced Techniques: Vacuuming or Freezing Camel Spiders

In addition to traditional methods, there are advanced techniques that can be employed to combat camel spider infestations. One such technique is vacuuming.

Using a powerful vacuum cleaner fitted with a nozzle attachment, you can effectively capture camel spiders by gently guiding them into the suction stream. It’s important to note that this technique should only be used on surfaces where vacuuming is safe and appropriate.

Another advanced method worth considering is freezing camel spiders using extreme cold temperatures. This approach relies on exploiting the sensitivity of these creatures’ sensory organs to low temperatures.

Placing captured camel spiders in sealed bags and then freezing them for several hours can render the pests immobile or even kill them. However, it’s crucial to exercise caution when handling frozen specimens as they may become active once thawed.

By implementing these expert tips and exploring advanced techniques like vacuuming or freezing, you’ll have additional effective strategies at your disposal when dealing with severe camel spider infestations. Remember that professional guidance should always be sought before conducting any treatments yourself.

Sharing Cultural Beliefs Surrounding Camel Spiders

In regions half the size where camel spiders are a common sight, locals often have rich cultural beliefs surrounding these enigmatic creatures. These beliefs vary from place to place, but they share a common thread of respect and caution towards camel spiders. Some cultures believe that camel spiders bring good luck or act as protectors against other pests.

Others consider them harbingers of misfortune or even symbols of evil. Such beliefs have been passed down through generations and contribute to the cultural fabric of these societies.

Describing Practices that Help Minimize Encounters

Living in areas with frequent camel spider sightings has led local communities to develop practices aimed at minimizing encounters with these creatures. One commonly followed practice is keeping living spaces clean and free from clutter.

Since camel spiders tend to seek out hiding spots in dark corners or under piles of debris, maintaining a tidy environment reduces their potential hiding places. Another technique employed by locals is sealing entry points into homes and buildings.

By blocking cracks, gaps, and other openings where camel spiders can enter, residents create barriers that significantly reduce the chances of an infestation. Window screens, door sweeps, and weather stripping are effective tools in this regard.

Furthermore, some communities have discovered natural deterrents for keeping away camel spiders. These range from planting certain types of plants known to repel the pests, such as eucalyptus or mint around homes and gardens.

Additionally, spraying saline solution around entry points can discourage their presence due to its strong scent. It’s important to note that these cultural practices are not foolproof methods for eradicating camel spiders entirely but rather strategies for minimizing encounters and fostering coexistence between humans and these fascinating arachnids.

Fun Facts about Camel Spiders (to lighten the mood)


The Mighty Jaws of Camel Spiders

Did you know that camel spiders possess powerful jaws? These impressive creatures, also known as sun spiders, have jaw-like structures called chelicerae that they use to capture and immobilize their prey.

With a bite force that can match its fearsome reputation, the camel spider swiftly grasps its victims before indulging in a hearty meal of prey’s flesh. While their feeding habits might seem slightly terrifying to some, it’s fascinating to witness these hardy desert dwellers display their hunting prowess.

Camel Spider Hiding Places: Master of Disguise

One intriguing fact about camel spiders is their remarkable ability to blend into their surroundings. These agile arachnids are masters of disguise, often taking advantage of debris or rocks to camouflage themselves from potential threats.

Their sandy brown coloration and unique leg structure allow them to move swiftly across desert terrain while remaining undetectable in plain sight. Although they may seem elusive, knowing where to look for these elusive creatures can help you better understand their behavior and assist in controlling their presence.

The Surprising Diet of Camel Spiders

Contrary to popular belief, camel spiders do not solely rely on camels for sustenance. While it’s true that they occasionally feed on weakened or deceased camels when given the opportunity, these resourceful predators have diverse dietary preferences.

In addition to scavenging on larger animals like rodents, lizards, and small insects, camel spiders are also known for consuming other arachnids and even each other! Their flexible eating habits ensure they always find something satisfyingly crunchy to nibble on.


Although getting rid of camel spiders might seem daunting at first glance, armed with the right knowledge and techniques, you can successfully manage their presence. Remember to seal gaps, keep your surroundings clean, and utilize natural deterrents like essential oils. If the situation escalates, consult a pest control professional who can guide you through more advanced methods of moving camel spiders out of control.

By taking these steps, you can ensure a spider-free environment while appreciating the fascinating attributes of these resilient desert dwellers. So fear not, for with a little determination and know-how, you’ll triumph over camel spiders and reclaim your space!

Achieve Spider Control with D-Termination: Las Vegas’ Top Pest Control Service!

If you’re worried about spiders invading your Las Vegas property, D-Termination is here to help. Our expert team is specialized in eradicating spider infestations, bringing back peace and tranquility to your space. Say farewell to spiders—opt for D-Termination’s effective pest control today!

Reach out to us at 702-919-6310 or visit to schedule your spider control service and regain your space from these bothersome pests.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What lures camel spiders?

Darkness, warmth, and prey can attract camel spiders.

Why are camel spiders entering my house?

Camel spiders may enter homes seeking shelter.

What causes fear in camel spiders?

Camel spiders don’t possess emotions like fear.

Is it possible to use sprays to control camel spiders?

Insecticides can be used for camel spiders, but professional assistance is recommended for infestations.

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