Powerful Prayer to St. Joan of Arc

Powerful Prayer to St. Joan of Arc

In the face of your enemies,
in the face of harassment,
ridicule, and doubt,
you held firm in your faith.
Even in your abandonment,
alone and without friends,
you held firm in your faith.

I pray that I may be as bold
in my beliefs as you, St. Joan.
I ask that you ride alongside me
in my own battles.
Help me be mindful that
what is worthwhile can be won
when I persist.
Help me hold firm in my faith.
Help me believe in my ability
to act well and wisely.

About St. Joan of Arc

The most illustrious heroine of all time, St. Joan of Arc, was born on January 6th, 1412 of simple parents at Domremy in France. Taught by her mother from her earliest years to pray each night “O God, save France,” she could not help but think that the great love for her country as a child would later consume her life.

While the english were overrunning the north of France, their future conqueror, unschooled in worldly wisdom, was peacefully tending her flock and learning the divine wisdom of God at a small shrine in the fields. While hearing voices from Heaven, she was approached by St. Michael, who appeared to her, so that she could save her country from the enemy. She immediately hurried off to inform the king and convince him of her divine mission.

Just as on her banner, the inscription “Jesus, Mary,” appeared on the battlefield as she rushed to the forefront of the battle of Orleans. She then led Charles VII to be crowned at Rheims.

Later, abandoned by her King, she fell into the hands of the English, who gave her a mock trial and ultimately burned her as a heretic. But the Maid of Orleans had at last received her reward. With a greater celebration than any king had, while being crowned and amid the acclamations of the whole world more than 500 hundred years later, on May 16th 1920, Pope Benedict XV proclaimed (and later canonized) her as a Roman Catholic Saint — St. Joan of Arc.

Feast Day: May 30th
Name Meaning: “God is gracious”
Patron Saint of: Martyrs, Captives, Prisoners, Rape victims, France

What did Joan of Arc say right before she died?

To the very end of her life, Joan of Arc insisted that the voices she had heard all of her life were divine in nature. In fact, as she burned to death, she called on her three favorite Saints for help. Then, right before she lost consciousness, she yelled out: “Jesus! Jesus! Jesus.”

What were Joan of Arc’s miracles?

Although Joan was technically exempt from the first three miracles because of her martyrdom, she performed them anyway. Three nuns were miraculously healed from different cancers after praying to Joan. On the path to canonization, Joan also reportedly healed a woman of tuberculosis and another woman of a hole in her foot. 

See Also:

Christ the King
Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Invocation to Our Lady of Grace
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
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