Navy Blue Color


Navy blue (hex code #000080) is a darker shade of blue which makes it a great choice to pair it with a variety of shades of orange, red, yellow and green. The name “navy blue” comes from the color of the uniforms worn by officers in the Royal Navy.

Navy Blue Color

Navy Blue Color Code

If you work in web design or other digital media the following Hex, RGB, and CMYK color codes for navy blue could be useful.

Hex: #000080
RGB: 0 0 128
CMYK: 100 100 0 50

Navy Blue vs Royal Blue

If you compare the two colors you’ll see that navy blue is a darker shade, while royal blue is a lighter and more saturated form of blue.

Colors Similar To Navy Blue

While navy blue is a classic color, there are some shades of blue which resemble it. Here are a few examples of colors that are close to navy blue: