Electrical Safety Advice for Children and their Parents


While energy exists in many forms, the most important form of energy is electricity or electrical power. It is hard to imagine a day without electricity. For example, starting with your North Vancouver home, electricity is crucial for operating all appliances, such as microwave ovens and entertainment systems.

How Electricity Benefits our Lives

You use electricity to operate most kitchen and home appliances to conveniently cook food or clean. For example, electricity is used in rice cookers, electric stoves, chillers, and simple bread toasters. It is worth noting that electricity allows you to power the technology you use every day.

Have you ever imagined trying to live without electricity? You’ll face many challenges. For instance, you will no longer be able to use central heating and air conditioning in your home or preserve food in the fridge.

There is no doubt that electricity provides entertainment and eases communication. This is because televisions, radios, and phones use electricity. Also, keep in mind that computers and most children’s toys tend to use electricity to operate.

Potential Electrical Dangers for Kids

As electricity is such a normal part of daily life, it is easy for North Vancouver residents to forget how dangerous and risky it can be. Keep in mind that because of the ways you use electricity and your heavy reliance on electrical devices and appliances, your home is filled with potential risks for your children. This is why it is vital to take electrical safety into consideration, especially if you have kids at your home.

While electric appliances and electric energy are critical for your life and lifestyle, note that there are some essential things that parents must know to promote their kid’s safety and minimize the risk of accidents involving electricity.

Did you know that hundreds of people are severely injured or even killed by electricity every year? This is why dealing with even minor electrical problems and issues sooner rather than later and prioritizing electrical safety is important to stay safe.

Children are Curious

You probably know that children and toddlers are naturally curious and don’t know the risks and dangers of electricity.

While this curiosity and inquisitiveness can be great for your kid’s development, they must also learn and understand the importance of remaining safe both inside and outside their North Vancouver home.

It is no secret that younger children, especially toddlers, can experience electric shocks most often when they mistakenly bite into electric cords. It can also happen when they poke metal objects like forks and knives into unprotected appliances or outlets and plug sockets.

Also, note that these injuries may take place when electrical toys and appliances are misused. Did you know that Christmas trees and their lights are also a seasonal hazard for kids?

These are some basics of electricity that are important for your children to understand:

Ø  Electricity and appliances have the potential to cause shocks, burns, and even death.

Ø  Appliances, such as ovens and power cords, can be just as lethal as electrical power lines if you don’t take adequate safety precautions.

Ø  You probably know that electricity flows easily and quickly through the water. Did you know that it can travel through your body as your body is made of 70% water?

This is why electrical safety is of great importance to parents. Electricity is all around you. It powers various appliances and mobile devices, such as phones, that surround your kids. As kids do not always know or understand what can be dangerous for them, it is up to you to watch out closely for their safety.

Keep in mind that teaching your children the basics about the power and risk of electricity and electrical shocks helps keep them safe from any harm.

Tips on Using Plug Sockets and Appliances Wisely and Safely

Electricity is present everywhere, inside and outside your North Vancouver home. Although it is not possible for everyone to be constantly conscious all the time, safety is a must.

Note that one of the most crucial things parents need to take care of when their kids are around is keeping them away from various electric appliances and devices.

Here are some tips to keep your children safe.

Cover the Sockets

There is no doubt that open sockets in your home are an invitation for kids. They can stick their fingers in these plug sockets, which is very risky. This is why you should contact electrician North Vancouver if there is a problem with these sockets and cover them with plastic.

You may know that kids and toddlers just cannot seem to resist these potentially dangerous electrical outlets. Keep in mind that the temptation to stick their tiny fingers, a fork, or key into these sockets puts them at serious risk of electric shock.

Did you know that plastic outlets help these electric outlets be protected, making it safer if your child mistakenly touches them? Keep in mind that you can get your electrical contractor in North Vancouver to have plastic outlets installed around your house.

This is important as it will help you feel that everything is in your control, and your children can play around without worrying about their overall safety.

Make it Hard to Pull out Electric Cords 

There is no doubt that kids are naturally or innately curious about everything. This includes electrical cords and cables. It just takes a moment for a kid to grab an electrical cord and then pull it out, which exposes the socket. 

To keep this from happening, you have to think carefully about the locations of your outlets, such as outlets for your TV and stereo system. Is it possible to rearrange or move the furniture a bit so that these outlets in use are a bit harder to get to? Did you know that you can also purchase a cord-hiding device in order to keep these cords away from little fingers?

Do not Overload Outlets

You may be tempted to plug several or all your appliances and devices into that one convenient electric outlet in the bedroom or living room, but you must think again as it can be dangerous. Keep in mind that outlets and electric sockets look interesting to kids, but they can be extremely dangerous if they are overloaded and treated as toys.

It is best to use safety covers on all operational outlets and sockets in your home to deter small children. Don’t make the mistake of overloading circuits; this is because too many appliances or devices plugged into a single socket can create a severe fire hazard due to overheating. Always spread the electric load, even if that means that you cannot cover every outlet. 

Keep Appliances out of Reach 

You should keep electrical appliances and systems out of reach. You can easily hide most small and portable devices. For example, you can stash your game system or DVD player and the cords on a shelf out of kids’ range.

Also, keep kitchen and bathroom appliances like electric razors, hairdryers, blenders, and toasters in high cupboards. 

Emergency Situations

If there is a thunderstorm or other calamity, you should remind your children to stay away from dangerous puddles and get inside the home as soon as possible. And don’t use water in order to put out an electrical fire in your home.

Rather, unplug the electric appliance if it is safe to do so and use a dry chemical fire extinguisher in order to extinguish the fire.

Educate Your Children 

When your children are old enough to understand and remember simple instructions, you should talk to them regarding electrical safety. You will be happy to know that there are many resources to help kids learn about electricity.

It is essential to teach your children the basics about not touching electric sockets and how to plug as well as unplug things. You should also teach them when it is okay to use an electric appliance and when it is better to ask an adult for help. Keep in mind that children like to learn new things, so make it engaging and fun and help them stay safe. 

While you cannot keep your children free from injuries at all times, these safety tips will help prevent burns, shocks, and fires in your North Vancouver home:

Final Thoughts

When parents explain and clearly show their kids how to behave safely around electricity, many children respond pretty well. Teaching your kids electrical safety is vital as it will help them enjoy all the benefits of electricity while protecting themselves from all the potential dangers.

If you think that something may be wrong with your electrical system, it is best to call the professionals in order to evaluate. Kato Electrical is the most reliable and experienced electrician in North Vancouver. Electrician North Vancouver offers fast, safe, friendly, reliable, and professional installation and repair services to meet your needs. Call them today to discuss any issues that you might have so that these professionals can keep your family safe! 


Arthur Kavanagh