Atlas' Vintage Traveler Themed Second Birthday Photoshoot

atlas' vintage travel themed birthday shoot 2nd birthday photographed by youngstown family photographer mae b photo-33.jpg

And just like that, I have a two year old. I don’t even know how I’ve gotten so lucky to have had this little man earthside with me for two whole years. It’s been the hardest yet most rewarding two years of my life. Atlas has made every single day an adventure and has brought so much light into this world. He’s smart, fearless, silly, loving, full of energy and down right hilarious. He is a social butterfly and my heart melts every time I hear him say, “hi” to people on our outings. And I swear, he is never lacking in the energy department. From the second he wakes up to the second he goes to sleep, he is on the move. If you catch him sitting down for longer than five seconds, know that it’s a rarity (except when he eats or watches Cars, of course). He just has to be a part of every little thing because it’s all so amazing. One of my favorite things is when I show him something new and he goes, “Wow!!!” with such wonder. What a gift it is to see life through his eyes!

Here’s a list of some of his favorite things:

  • cars - like, obsessed with cars

  • animals

  • going to the park

  • splashing in water

  • running

  • his “bub bub” and “shiiiisheeeeey” (Meat and Sophie)

  • swinging and sliding at the playground

  • digging in dirt

  • sidewalk chalk

  • letters and numbers

  • dancing - with or without music, it doesn’t matter

  • being mischievous

  • playing ball

  • eating - he especially loves eggs, tomatoes, avocados, apples and dipping things in sauce

  • empty pop cans - he still loves to carry them around and chew on them

Since Atlas is so obsessed with cars, I knew I needed to do some type of car themed birthday shoot. Plus, I low key wanted him to have a vintage looking pedal car, so this was just an excuse to get one! I knew he’d be in awe of it. In a year or so, once he’s finally able to reach the pedals, I know he’ll cruise around in that thing like crazy! Until then, he’ll climb all over it and push it around like the wild kid he is.

Happy birthday my baby boy! Thank you for making my life magical!

Other Atlas blogs:

Nursery reveal

Birth story - part one

Birth story - part two

Birth story - part three

One year birthday shoot

atlas' vintage travel themed birthday shoot 2nd birthday photographed by youngstown family photographer mae b photo-27.jpg
atlas' vintage travel themed birthday shoot 2nd birthday photographed by youngstown family photographer mae b photo-22.jpg
atlas' vintage travel themed birthday shoot 2nd birthday photographed by youngstown family photographer mae b photo-15.jpg
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atlas' vintage travel themed birthday shoot 2nd birthday photographed by youngstown family photographer mae b photo-29.jpg
atlas' vintage travel themed birthday shoot 2nd birthday photographed by youngstown family photographer mae b photo-43.jpg
atlas' vintage travel themed birthday shoot 2nd birthday photographed by youngstown family photographer mae b photo-48.jpg
atlas' vintage travel themed birthday shoot 2nd birthday photographed by youngstown family photographer mae b photo-54.jpg
atlas' vintage travel themed birthday shoot 2nd birthday photographed by youngstown family photographer mae b photo-56.jpg
atlas' vintage travel themed birthday shoot 2nd birthday photographed by youngstown family photographer mae b photo-52.jpg