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II Msc. Zoology
 Animal communication is the passage of information
b/w two animals.
 The animal which sends is called signaller and the
animal that recieves signal is called reciever.
 Animal communication is also known as Biological
 The study of animal communication is called
 The classical ethological view of communication was
developed by Niko Tinbergen.

Niko Tinbergen
 Intraspecific communication
◦ communication within a single species
 Eg. Honeybee dance
 Interspecific communication
◦ Prey to predator
 Eg. warning colouration in wasps
◦ Predator to prey
 Some predators communicate to prey make
them easier to catch, in effect deceiving them.
 Eg. Angler fish
◦ Human/animal communication
 During domestication of animals
 Signaller : An individual which emits signal.

 Reciever : An individual which recieves signal

 Signal : The behaviour emitted by the signaller

 Channels : A pathway through which normally a signal

travels. (ie means of communication)
 Visual
 Auditory
 Chemical
 Tactile
 Electrical
 Suface vibration
 Information transmitted by visual means is called
visual communication.
 The visual signals may be given by various means
◦ movement
◦ posture or shape of the body
◦ Facial expressions.
◦ colour identification
◦ light etc.
 Visual signals are used most often by species that
are active during day.
 Light as a visual means is used in night.
1) Visual communication in Bees
 The worker bees communicate about food mainly by a
dance language.
 It was decoded by Karl von Frisch in 1965.
 Bees mainly perform 2 types of dances.
◦ Round dance - If source of nectar is less than about 100m
away. Does not communicate the direction.

◦ Waggle dance – If source of nectar more than 100m away

from hive. Communicates both distance and direction.
 Round dance
◦ Runs around in narrow circles, suddenly reversing
direction to her original course.
◦ After the round dance has ended, she often
distributes food to the bees following her.
◦ Essentially says "there is food closeby, get out and
find the food, which smells like this.”
 Waggle dance
◦ Runs straight ahead for a short distance, returns in
a semicircle to the starting point, runs again
through the straight course, then makes a
semicircle in the opposite direction to complete a
full, figure-eight circuit.
◦ While running the straight-line course of the dance,
the bee wags abdomen, vigorously sideways.
◦ The angle that the bee adopts, relative to vertical
represents the angle in
which food is found.
2) Postures
 Some mammal
species give specific
signals by the
position adopted by
head, ears & tail.
 Eg. Flattened ear –
fear/ suspicion
 Wagging of tail –
 Retraction of lips to
display teeth - threat
3) Facial expressions
4) Colours and Displays

 During mating season the male

goldfinch has a bright yellow body
 The gila monster's bright orange
colored splotches are a warning to
predators that it is poisonous and they
should back-off.

 When an animal exhibits a behavior

that can be seen by other animals, it is
called a display.
 Male fiddler crabs wave their giant
claw to attract female fiddler crabs.
 Male peacock exhibits a visual display
as part of its courtship rituals.
5) Light (Bioluminescence)
 Certain insects and deep sea fishes communicate via their
light signals.
 Luminuous insects are glow worms and their relatives the
 Eg. of light producing fish includes Anglerfishes

Glow worms Anglerfishes
 Sending information from one member to another by
sound production is called auditory signal or bioacoustic
 Sound is a good means of communicating over long
distances both in air and water.
 It may have a vocal origin or it may be produced by some
other organs
 For eg. Calls of mammals and birds – vocal origin ; sound
produced by crickets is rhythmic oscillation of forewings.
 Sound is more effective signal at night and darkness
 It can go around obstacles that would interfere with visual
 It is better than visual signals in getting attention of a
 Deathwatch beetle signal to each
other by producing clicking sound
made by tapping their head against
 Red squirrels will make a series of Deathwatch beetle
loud rattles and screeches to warn off
 The bottlenose dolphin has a wide
range of vocalizations. Each dolphin
Red squirrels
also has its own unique whistling
sound that it uses to identify itself.
 Male birds sing a song during breeding
Bottlenose dolphin
 Molecules used for chemical communication between
individual animals are called pheromones.
 Pheromones are involved in mate identification, marking
territory, alarm spreading etc.
 Odour signals can transmit informations in dark, can
travel long distances, can last for hours or number of days.
 Usually the message causes an immediate response.
 Chemical messages that pass between animals of the same
 Chemical communication is the most primitive type of
 Female silkworm attract males by releasing a pheromone
 Queen honeybee attract males by 9 – oxodecenoic acid.
 Alarm pheromones are produced in ants in the form of
formic acid to protect themselves from enemies.
 Ants lay down an initial trail of pheromones as they
return to the nest with food.
 A female gypsy moth may influence male moths few
kilometres away by producing a pheromone called
 Dogs and some other animals of dog family use urine to
mark the boundaries of their
 Information transmitted in the form of physical contact
(touch signal) is called tactile communication.
 Antennae of ants, termites and honeybees are involved in
this process
 Eg. 1) Female primates often hold and frequently
cuddle their young. Helps in establishing a bond
2) Termites – blind workers totally
depend on his phenomenon.

Two worker ants in tactile communication

 It is a means of communication in some fishes.
 Torpedo (Electric ray), and sharks (Scyliorhinus
caniculus) have electro receptors that they use in

 Sharks detect the electric field produced by prey flatfish

that are buried in the sand by a specialized organ called
the ampulla of lorenzini.
 Electric fish communicate information about species
identity and sex by discharging electric field.
 In some animals information may be communicated
by patterns of surface vibrations.
 Eg. Water spider send out ripples of certain
frequency and receptive female respond by moving
towards the source.
 Cannibalistic male spiders vibrate threads of web of
his prospective partner communicating that it is not
a prey.
 Agonistic interaction – threat displays during
competition over food, mates or territory

 Mating rituals – to attract and maintain the attention of

potential mate

 Ownership/territorality – to claim or defend territory

 Food-related signals – to lead members of a social group

to a food source

 Alarm calls – to warn of a threat from a predator

Communication in walnut sphinx caterpillar (Journal of
experimental biology, Jan issue, 2012)

 Dr. Jayne Yack of Carlton University in Ottawa,

found that the walnut sphinx caterpillar has
a special way of communication with its

 Make a squeaking sound that

fends off attacking birds like
Warblers .

 Sound is made by blowing air out of two

holes found in the abdominal spiracles.

 It was found that they are mimicking the

alarm call of another predatory bird.
 Animals do communicate which involves information
transfer from the sender to a receiver.
 They can convey their needs, desires and reactions to the
environment via some sophisticated signaling of their
 No animals have however evolved the sophistication of
the human language - communication system.
 The understanding of animal communication is essential
for understanding the animal world in general.
 Prasad S, Animal Behaviour (2004), CBS Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi

 Harjinder Singh, A textbook of Animal Behaviour (1995),

1st edition, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.

 Aubrey Manning and Marian Stamp Dawkins, An

introduction to Animal Behaviour, 5th edition, Cambridge
university Press.

 www.


 www. waggledance.

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