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Is Johannesburg safe from
Mrs. Mandela said in safe place. JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) Black activist Winnie - Mandela was resting and In ... Johannesburg with her daughter and grandchildren, lawyers said. "She is in a safe place. She needs to be attended ...
Is Johannesburg safe from
... Johannesburg do not, however, express this view. President Kruger has declared his strong disapproval of th ... safe in the event of war. if they conducted themselves properly; but he should bave added, that if war should come toe portion of ...
Is Johannesburg safe from
... Johannesburg do not, however, express this view. President Krnger has ... safe in the event of war. if they conducted themselves properly; out he ... Johannesburg annesurg is is also aso responsible: respos and. . 11 stnle be ...
Is Johannesburg safe from
Diamonds Disappear From Airport Safe. Johannesburg, South Africa, Jan. 21.— (&)— Police reported $84,000 worth of diamonds destined fo-r Saudt Arabia disappeared Thurs day night from a Johannesburg airport safe. The small packet of 1014 ...
Is Johannesburg safe from
... Johannesburg in order to prevent its s being used as a base of operations s ... safe removal of all of its residents. The only thing, therefore, that they ... Johannesburg, there would have been no Jamison raid, to be followed by ...
Is Johannesburg safe from
... Johannesburg safe for miners whether the war stops or not.* The American section of the Stock Exxchange showed little actual business. Amerrican quotations perfunctorily follow New w York prices. There has be<>n so much talk, k, however ...
Is Johannesburg safe from
... safe within. This feeling is far more apparent in Johannesburg than in my other South African city. Possibly this is because Johannesburg is the richest city in the Union; the gap between the whites who . and the blacks who have not is ...
Is Johannesburg safe from
... safe in a police station at Johannesburg international airport, South African police said in a statement on Friday. "One of the many questions that needs to be answered satisfactorily is why the key to the safe was, contrary to standing ...
Is Johannesburg safe from
... Johannesburg population woul j bo cafe if they conducted themselves ... safe in case of war, we ndvisa that at tho lirst act of war on the English ... Johannesburg agitators, and then co-shareholders in Uapotuvcii and London, and ...
Is Johannesburg safe from
... safe, not in custody Johannesburg area, which Includes the black township of Soweto, and six police officers arrived at midday to tell her she had to move. The witness inside the house said that after a standoff that lasted several ...