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Multilateral Development Bank (MDB): Types And Examples
A multilateral development bank (MDB) is an international financial institution chartered by two or more countries to encourage economic development in lower...
2 months ago
Set goals and never settle: Chloe Lin shares her leadership journey
Allianz Trade
Chloe Lin, Regional Director, Asia Pacific at Allianz Trade for Multinationals, shares her journey as a female leader in celebration of...
9 months ago
Center for Executive Education in Technology Policy (CEE-TP)
Carnegie Mellon University
This course focuses on how rulemaking on international trade seeks to promote and govern the development of digital trade.
11 months ago
Why the Developing World and All of Us Need Trade and the WTO
CSIS | Center for Strategic and International Studies
Please join the CSIS Project on Prosperity and Development for an in-person discussion between Katherine Tai, the United States Trade...
14 months ago
Minilateral solutions to the geoeconomic challenges facing Japan and Australia
East Asia Forum
Japan and Australia need to extend their use of minilateralism to counter coercive economic practices in the Indo-Pacific.
9 months ago
Economic Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics
Modern Diplomacy
People's Republic of China, a rising global economic power has a unique way of developing policies in its style calling it “Chinese-Style”...
8 months ago
Commonwealth strengthens trade development capacities in the Pacific Islands
For almost 15 years, under the flagship Aid for Trade Hub and Spokes (H&S) Programme, Pacific Island countries received critical trade...
32 months ago
U.S. Engagement in the Indo-Pacific: Don’t Trade Away Trade
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
A different approach to trade in Asia could represent a middle way between the Biden administration's current approach and the so-called Washington Consensus...
5 months ago
The Northern Nevada International Center spearheads U.S.- Korea bi-lateral trade relations program with Korea
University of Nevada, Reno
The U.S. - ROK Global Supply Chain Leaders Program aims to foster broader awareness of the U.S. - ROK bilateral trade relationship,...
14 months ago
Minilateralism: A Concept That Is Changing the World Order
The Washington Institute
The UAE, Israel, India, and other countries are showing why smaller-scale collaboration based on shared interests can offer distinct...
19 months ago