Praise for Demystifying Outsourcing "This book is a good complement to all the books on how to be a consultant. It gives unique and practical advice on how to hire consultants and outside resources.
This is a must-have guide in outsourcing for any manager, whether newly exposed or an expert. I came away with some great ideas from the book!" --James A. Bologa Executive Vice President and CFO Daticon Inc.
This practical guide gives you hands-on, step-by-step guidance in implementing outsourcing in your business, from preparing your people and planning a sourcing strategy to negotiating with vendors, drafting a binding agreement, and keeping ...
" James J. Hill, Jr., CEO, Proofpoint Systems Inc. "Buy this book and use it. What I like most about the book is that it does not paint outsourcing as the panacea that some might think that it is.
This book examines how nine different health systems--U.S. Medicare, Australia, Thailand, Kyrgyz Republic, Germany, Estonia, Croatia, China (Beijing) and the Russian Federation--have transitioned to using case-based payments, and especially ...
In The Vested Outsourcing Manual, Kate Vitasek and her co-authors have taken the Five Rules of Vested Outsourcing and developed the roadmap to creating a Vested Agreement through which each party has a vested interest in mutually-defined ...
Once the decision has been made to outsource, a corporation must structure the deal. This book will show them how to request proposals and negotiate and close the agreement--creating the outsourcing strategy.