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inauthor: Carroll E. Izard from
... in Author ( TAB ) discriminating among talkers . N67-23103 # RAND Corp. , Santa Monica , Calif . LINGUISTIC ... E. Kulberg and Carroll E. Izard Jun . 1966 40 p refs ( Contract Nonr - 2149 ( 03 ) ) ( TR - 28 ; AD - 645202 ) CFSTI ...
inauthor: Carroll E. Izard from
Offers an analysis of three strongly contrasting primitive civilizations, showing how behavior is influenced by custom and tradition.
inauthor: Carroll E. Izard from
This volume features a range of salient features valuable to students as well as novice and seasoned practitioners alike, including: Overview chapters that discuss the effects of biogenic and environmental factors on neurological ...
inauthor: Carroll E. Izard from
The book presents a comprehensive updated approach to current psychological knowledge to facilitate a rapid review of the major subjects in psychology in medicine and to stimulate further detailed study. The book is divided into five Parts.
inauthor: Carroll E. Izard from
Child Neuropsychology guides therapists and neurologists toward common goals: early, accurate diagnosis and finely focused interventions across disciplines. This groundbreaking volume brings vital perspectives to assessment and treatment.
inauthor: Carroll E. Izard from
In Hipbillies, Jared Phillips combines oral histories and archival resources to weave the story of the Ozarks and its population of country beatniks into the national narrative, showing how the back to the landers engaged in “deep ...
inauthor: Carroll E. Izard from
It is hoped that this series-by bringing together research on infant biology; developing infant capacities; animal models, the impact of social, cultural, and familial forces on development, and the distorted products of such forces under ...
inauthor: Carroll E. Izard from
This edition of the Handbook follows the first edition by 10 years. The earlier edition was a promissory note, presaging the directions in which the then-emerging field of social cognition was likely to move.
inauthor: Carroll E. Izard from
This sourcebook is intended as a reader in the fullest sense of that word: a work that offers researchers and students alike the opportunity to examine the many different aspects and widely divergent approaches to the study of emotion.
inauthor: Carroll E. Izard from
An ethnographic interpretation of the life of the Ilongots, a group of 3,500 hunters and horticulturists in Northern Luzon, Philippines, analyzes their social life with reference to their emotional development throughout the life cycle.