jay jays port alfred from
... Jays , Aurora Grata Cathedral . Harry Morris , M. hester C. J. Marvin Doyle ... Alfred W. Sloggatt , Sec . , 277 Halsey St. , Brooklyn . Croste CRYSTAL WAVE ... port , L. I. JAMES KIRKLAND , Grand Marshal , 700 West 180th St ...
jay jays port alfred from
... Alfred Rowan , president ; Music Lov- ers Club , Edith Noyes Green , presi ... Port Huron , Mich .; third vice - president , Mrs. J. A. Jardine , 1112 ... Jays subje convention noi n from as follo of duran. MUSICAL AMERICA for ...
jay jays port alfred from
... ALFRED B. PEARCE , 39 , Ludgate - hill , E.C. Established 1760 . TAPPIN M BROTHERS , A. D. 1810 . MAPPIN BROTHERS ' and FORKS . Established TABLE - KNIVES LEBRATED for Keen Edge and CELEB Durability . [ APPIN BROTHERS , London Bridge . MA J ...
jay jays port alfred from
... Alfred P. 309 Peach St. Houma , La . 266563 Al Cenac 266517 Tim Cenac Cenac , Alfred P. , 122 Broad St. , Houma , La . 260814 Charles J. Cenac 240582 0. J. Cenac Cenac , Arlen , 217 Cenac St. , Houma , La . 237088 Harvey Cenac , Clark C ...
jay jays port alfred from
... Port Richmond , S. I. Office hours , from 9 A. M. to 12 M. , and from I ... ALFRED WAGSTAFF , Clerk . WILLIAM LAMB , Jr. , Deputy Clerk . Clerk's Office ... Jays and legal holidays ) , and continues open to close of business ...
jay jays port alfred from
... Alfred Anderson to Paul Marvin , Houlton , Mich . Mason of Curles Neck 44038 ... Port , Mass . Paul Revere of Old Orchard 56375 - F . S. Hall & Son to John A ... Jays 54088 - Anderson T. Herd to Charles W. Curtis , Marlboro ...
jay jays port alfred from
... Jays Hardware 2 CromwellSt Meyers Hardware 25 Currie St Quigney Nahoon ... Port Alfred Henry's Hardware 24 MainSt Box 5 Port Elizabeth ALLGOOD G & S ... Jay Jay Hat & Cap Manufacturers 7 Stellenberg Rd Parow Ind Box 365 Parow ...
jay jays port alfred from
... Alfred C. E.-C.B. , JUNE 4 , 8b ; dedicates additions to memorial chapel ... JAY , Mr. James T. - will , MAY 2 , 21f JAYES , John - fatal accident JUNE 18 , 18e ; inquest , 19 , 18c JAYS ... port , APRIL 26 , 11c on road and rail ( 1 ...
jay jays port alfred from
... Alfred , glazier , 51 Birchfield road , Birchfield James Alfred , shopkeeper ... Port road James Henry , basket maker , 90 Bishopsgate street James Henry ... Jay Elizabeth ( Mrs. ) , shopkeeper , 36 Skinner laue Jay John Watkin ...
jay jays port alfred from
... Port Nigel Lead Co. , Limited ( Richard Mitchell , sec . ) , 7 , Union - court , Old Broad- street , E.C. Pretyman Brothers , 28 , Wellclose - square , E. Reed , Michael Alfred , & Co. , 12 , Fenchurch- street , E. C. Sharp , Henry John ...