The average price for pest control services in South Africa ranges from R1000 to R3,000+ depending on the type and severity of the infestation.
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Overall pest control prices depends on type of pest infestation and the size of the premises. Find out more about pest control prices near you.
Pest Control Prices near you or fumigation services in Cape Town can cost anywhere between R650 to R1500 and more, depending on the severity of the infestation ...
Johannesburg pest control prices, R730 – R970. Cape Town pest control prices, R670 – R930. Durban pest control prices, R630 – R870. Pretoria pest control prices ...
The typical cost for pest control services in South Africa varies between R1100 to R4,000+ based on the kind and severity of the infestation.
Sep 9, 2024 ˇ Our pest control services are priced between R750 and R2500. The cost varies based on the specific requirements of your business, the size of the property, and ...
Pest control. Pest extermination. R1000 – R1650. Cockroach eradication. Pest fumigation. R1300 – R3300. Fumigation. Want to join our professionals?
Pest Control Pricing Cape Town ˇ Spray Treatment & Granular Application: R1550 ˇ German Cockroach Eradication: R625 x2 = R1250 ˇ American Cockroach Fumigation: ...
Cape Town, R 670 – R 930, Evaluation and treatment. Durban, R 630 – R 870, Three-month guarantee. Factors Influencing Pest Control Prices. Understanding pricing ...
The average cost of cockroach eradication is R1150, or typically between R1000 and R1650. Get quotes. Mole eradication. R900 – R1700/visit. If you hire a pest ...