Klein argues that adult success is often established in the developmental preschool years. She shares advice for parents on how to promote such success-driving positive attributes as resilience, self-regulation, and empathy.
A smart and useful guide, this book cracks the preschooler code, revealing what you can do to help your toddler grow into a fulfilled child and adult—while helping you and your toddler live more happily together now, and every day.
Buku Pendidikan Islam dalam Keluarga: Studi Psikologis dan Sosiologis Masyarakat Multi Agama Desa Suro Bali yang ditulis oleh Dr. Idi Warsah, M. Pd.I ini mencoba memberikan secercah harapan dalam mempelajari betapa pentingnya mendalami ...
Son ouvrage s’adresse tout d’abord aux parents, mais il est aussi utile aux médecins, aux infirmières, aux puéricultrices, aux enseignants. Paul Lemoine est décédé en 2006.
Alessandro Ricci psicologo e psicoterapeuta, è professore stabilizzato presso l'Università Pontificia Salesiana di Roma e professore invitato presso l'Università Pontificia Lateranense di Roma.