The deepening commitment in Vietnam dominates the last year of the book, but not before, as the authors convincingly demonstrate, McNamara's seminal first four years had fundamentally transformed roles and methods and redefined ...
Encompassing genres such as poetry, fiction, nonfiction, tourist guides, biographies and drama, this collection provides a new window to the legend and realities of the American West.
Kitabda adi həyatdan tutmuş siyasətə və hərbiyyəyə qədər olduqca geniş bir diapazonda tətbiq olunan çoxlu sayda diplomatik manevrlərin, taktiki gedişlərin, psixoloji fəndlərin mexanizmi izah edilir, onlardan necə ...
Kitabda adi həyatdan tutmuş siyasətə və hərbiyyəyə qədər olduqca geniş bir diapazonda tətbiq olunan çoxlu sayda diplomatik manevrlərin, taktiki gedişlərin, psixoloji fəndlərin mexanizmi izah edilir, onlardan necə ...
This volume combines perspectives from law, history, and the social sciences to discuss the legal, historical, political and cultural significance of the Tokyo Tribunal.
The Lloyd's Register of Shipping records the details of merchant vessels over 100 gross tonnes, which are self-propelled and sea-going, regardless of classification.
The Lloyd's Register of Shipping records the details of merchant vessels over 100 gross tonnes, which are self-propelled and sea-going, regardless of classification.
Magnificent Mavericks tells the story of the creative military/civilian team who worked at the Naval Ordnance Test Station and its Pasadena Annex from 1948 to 1958.