The book investigates how the mental organization of goals impacts the motivation to pursue them, overcome obstacles to them, experience intrinsic motivation and flow, and even engage in extreme and risky behavior.
Now this powerful, step-by-step program will help you to: · Mobilize four key sources of energy · Balance energy expenditure with intermittent energy renewal · Expand capacity in the same systematic way that elite athletes do · Create ...
This book presents a comprehensive survey of motivations to practice psychotherapy through the extensive review of the available literature and discussion of the result of a qualitative study of therapists conducted by the author.
Divulging counterintuitive revelations about what it "really" takes to attract, develop, and retain top performers, this is the definitive guide to today's most urgent business dilemma.
Conocer los procesos que pueden explicar por qué ciertas personas comienzan a realizar actividades físicas mientras otras no lo hacen, por qué algunos deportistas empeñan gran cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo en la reali- zación de ...
"Uses a detailed empirical examination of policies in health services, education, social security and taxation to illustrate how policies can be designed to give the proper balance of motivation and agency." - cover.
Leadership development expert Tim Tobin show how, by thinking of themselves as literally writing a story -with a plot, theme, characters, and an arc-leaders can take control of their story and become more effective, insightful, and ...