The book provides an innovative synthesis of the history of performance with a wider study of culture, science, and religion from the antebellum period to the present.
Theater and popular entertainment scholars interview clowns at the Family Pickle Circus and other clowns who have developed the same new kind of circus comedy over the last quarter of the 20th century. c. Book News Inc.
Eso no estaba en mi libro de Historia del Circo recopila las anécdotas y curiosidades más desconocidas de este maravilloso arte que viene encandilando a pequeños, y no tan menudos, desde tiempos inmemoriales.
The Big Tent relates the circus experience from the perspectives of its diverse audiences, telling what locals might have seen and done while the show was in town. Renoff digs deeper, too.
Drawing from a rich trove of archival sources, Eubie Blake: Rags, Rhythm, and Race tells the extraordinary story of a key 20th-century African American composer and traces the path his career blazed for other black artists.
An authoritative introduction to the specialised histories of the modern circus, its unique aesthetics, and its contemporary manifestations and scholarship, from its origins in commercial equestrian performance, to contemporary inflections ...
The volume brings together an international group of established and emerging scholars working across the multi-disciplinary domain of circus studies to present a clear overview of the specialised histories, aesthetics and distinctive ...