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subject:"Religion / Philosophy" from
Here she interweaves a personal story with the work that she loves, illuminating how, for better and worse, religious traditions have shaped how we understand ourselves; how we relate to one another; and, most importantly, how to get ...
subject:"Religion / Philosophy" from
Comprehensive and clearly written, this book is essential reading for students and teachers in Continental philosophy, French studies, literary theory, and theology.
subject:"Religion / Philosophy" from
The Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Fund For four decades, the Fund operated a publishing wing, Argo Books, which published many of Rosenstock-Huessy's English-language works and unpublished manuscripts as books. (The German Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy ...
subject:"Religion / Philosophy" from
This volume is the product of scholars of various backgrounds, specialties and agendas bringing forth their most treasured findings regarding the Chinese Catholic Church.
subject:"Religion / Philosophy" from
Jeżeli książka Cię zainspiruje to napisz komentarz i poleć znajomym!
subject:"Religion / Philosophy" from
I am aware that the thesis of this book, that we must move from a Christendom to a post-Christendom way of thinking about the Christ and culture problem, will be judged by many individuals to be far too radical for their tastes.
subject:"Religion / Philosophy" from
The Religious Sense, the fruit of many years of dialogue with students, is an exploration of the search for meaning in life.
subject:"Religion / Philosophy" from
Steiner describes the necessary steps and stages, always insisting on the free, individual, and cognitive character of anthroposophic spiritual research. This essential inner guide is for anyone on a path of true spiritual development.
subject:"Religion / Philosophy" from
How we value is just as important as what we value, and evaluations, like values, share structures or formal patterns, as this book demonstrates.
subject:"Religion / Philosophy" from
An in-depth study of the philosophy, science and art of true self-knowledge taught by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, giving detailed guidance on the practice of self-investigation (atma-vichara), 'Who am I?'