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subject:"Social Science / Ethnic Studies / African Studies" from
" ... selected not only African oral and written stories but also tales from around the world ..."--Pref., p. 11.
subject:"Social Science / Ethnic Studies / African Studies" from
Yazara göre, gelecekte çok kültürlü ve çok dinli bir dünyanın parçası olacaklarsa, tüm kültürler ve dinler değişmelidir.
subject:"Social Science / Ethnic Studies / African Studies" from
यह पुस्तक दुनिया में संस्कृतियों, धर्मों और उनकी नैतिकता, उनके विकास और एक ऐसी दुनिया में ...
subject:"Social Science / Ethnic Studies / African Studies" from
This book is about Cultures, Religions and their ethics in the world, their development and their transition to a world that is becoming more and more one.
subject:"Social Science / Ethnic Studies / African Studies" from
This, the first volume in the series, presents the public's responses during extensive nation-wide interviews conducted by the HSRC in late 2003.
subject:"Social Science / Ethnic Studies / African Studies" from
First published in 1921, and cited on the Africa's Best 100 Books List, this is a standard work on the history of theYorubas from the earliest times to the beginning of the British Protectorate.
subject:"Social Science / Ethnic Studies / African Studies" from
Símbolo cultural de uma tradição histórica da das comunidades afro-brasileiras residentes na Bahia, o ofício das baianas e baianos do acarajé persiste até os dias atuais como uma rugosidade sócio-histórica de resistência e ...
subject:"Social Science / Ethnic Studies / African Studies" from
Este Caderno busca oferecer um apoio pedagógico para que os educadores e educadoras desenvolvam suas atividades no espaço escolar de acordo com a faixa etária dos estudantes e da cultura local.
subject:"Social Science / Ethnic Studies / African Studies" from
Volgens de schrijver moeten alle culturen en religies veranderen als ze deel willen uitmaken van een toekomstige multiculturele, multireligieuze wereld die ëén is geworden.
subject:"Social Science / Ethnic Studies / African Studies" from
Continuity in a changing African culture; the phenomenon of the city in Africa; anthropology of name and self; values in flux and the moral dimension.