types of termites in south africa from
... termites length 7-15mm 2 spp . in SA : large , common and conspicuous termites with pigmented workers ; all castes have compound eyes and mandibles with Family Hodotermitidae many inner teeth . They nest wholly or partially below ground ...
types of termites in south africa from
... Africa from West Africa to Ethiopia , and southwards as far as South Africa . Their height and density vary from ... types of builder termites exist in Africa : Macrotermes sub- hyalinus ( with a wide pan - Ethiopian distribution ...
types of termites in south africa from
... types of termites play a big part in propagating among crops a fungus which can be highly dangerous to animals and ... Africa's tobac- co crop is expected to reach 64- million pounds this year , said Mr. D. C. H. Uys , Minister of ...
types of termites in south africa from
... Termites of South Africa , Union of South Africa Department of Agriculture , Pretoria , South Africa . 10. Coaton , W.G.H. ( 1971 ) Five new termite genera from South West Africa ( Isoptera : Termitidae ) . Cimbebasia ( A ) 2 , 1-34 ...
types of termites in south africa from
... termites infected with a nematode , inquiring whether these worms were a stage in the life cycle of the wire worm of ... types of termites is different . " Note on Recurrents resolvable into a Sequence of Odd Integers , " by Sir THOMAS MUIR .
types of termites in south africa from
In more detail than has previously been available, this book comprehensively covers all the various mechanisms of caste differentiation in social insects.
types of termites in south africa from
... termites there is a well developed caste system of fertile and sterile forms ; or a polymorphism , with a division ... types of termites , as represented by fossils , is incomplete , but termites are not recent . A fossil wing in ...
types of termites in south africa from
... types: those dug when looking for food; larger, temporary sites, scat- tered through the home range, that may be used for refuge; and permanent refuges in which the young ... SOUTH AFRICA Termite- and ant-eating animals (myrmecophages)
types of termites in south africa from
... termites occurring in South Africa . The destruction of woodwork is almost entirely due to one species and a group containing six or more types so much alike in form and habit that for all practical purposes they may be treated as one ...
types of termites in south africa from
Botanical Survey of South Africa. Marloth , R. " Notes on the Occurrence of Alpine Types in the Vegetation of the Higher Peaks of the South ... Termites , " S.A. Journ . Nat . Hist . , III , 139 , 223 . F. FOSSIL PLANTS . Schönland , S ...