inauthor:"Mel Levine" from
We must begin to pay more attention to individual learning styles, to individual minds, urges Dr Levine, so that we can maximise our children's learning potential. A MIND AT A TIME shows us how.
inauthor:"Mel Levine" from
Parents and schools often raise children in a highly structured world, leaving them unable to cope on their own. Dr. Levine urges that schools teach "life prep," equipping adolescents with what they will need to succeed as adults.
inauthor:"Mel Levine" from
In this book Dr Levine draws heavily on his years of clinical experience to construct the stories of representative children and adults who failed to be productive for the most common reasons.
inauthor:"Mel Levine" from
Cada mente aprende de una manera distinta, afirma el doctor Mel Levine, uno de los expertos en pediatría y educación de más prestigio en la actualidad.
inauthor:"Mel Levine" from
La pigrizia non è un male incurabile. Come insegna questo libro, semplicemente non esiste.
inauthor:"Mel Levine" from
Mel Levine spiega a genitori e insegnanti come identificare gli stili di apprendimento individuali e suggerisce le strategie più efficaci per aggirare eventuali carenze e sfruttare al meglio il potenziale di ogni soggetto.