inauthor:"Russ Hudson" from
The leading experts in the field, Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson have set the standard for determining personality type using the enneagram.
inauthor:"Russ Hudson" from
So writes Don Riso in this expanded edition of his classic interpretation of the Enneagram, the ancient psychological system used to understand the human personality.
inauthor:"Russ Hudson" from
Offers profiles of nine personality types, tells how to avoid misidentifications, and offers advice on becoming aware of one's own personality type.
inauthor:"Russ Hudson" from
The first definitive guide to using the wisdom of the Enneagram for spiritual and psychological growth The ancient symbol of the Enneagram has become one of today's most popular systems for self-understanding, based on nine distinct ...
inauthor:"Russ Hudson" from
Una vez sepas esto, Riso y Hudson te descubrirán tus puntos fuertes y débiles, psicológicamente hablando, tus objetivos vitales y los retos a los que debes enfrentarte para mejorarte a ti mismo."--Casadellibro.
inauthor:"Russ Hudson" from
Das jahrhundertealte System des Enneagramms bietet uns einen neuen Weg des Selbstverständnisses und der Selbstfindung.
inauthor:"Russ Hudson" from
Théoriciens de l'Ennéagramme, Don Riso et Russ Hudson offrent à la personne avec ce livre un cheminement de connaissance de soi d'un grand niveau d'approfondissement lui permettant de gagner en liberté et sagesse intérieures