Change is hard and it’s only human to resist or dislike something new, especially if it’s very different to what you knew before. I see people stuck in various stages of this curve all the time and thought I’d share some ideas on how you can move forward in your adoption of #Office365 and #SharePoint Online.

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Most of the Apps & Services in #Office365 are new, and the biggest change between on-premises and cloud that we’ve had to deal with was SharePoint. In the beginning (about 7 years ago), it was tough for me as well to adopt #SharePoint Online. I’ve worked with various on-premises versions over the years and grew to love SharePoint and all it could do. It was normal for me to feel frustrated and even angry at #Microsoft for ripping me out of my comfort zone. Because that’s exactly what happened. I was confused and suddenly didn’t know how things were supposed to work. As a consultant I also felt inadequate and unable to support and help my clients in their journey. Imagine being an electrician and suddenly your only supplier announces: “Nope, we’re over that, we’re going solar.” WHAAAT!??!?!?!

Where was I on the curve?  Shock + Denial + Frustration & Depression

I’ll use Promoted Links as an example. I absolutely loved these and did crazy wonderful things with them. And suddenly, they were gone. Broke my little fragile heart, to tell you the truth.


Another example would be “Folders vs Metadata” or “Modern SharePoint vs Classic” and yes, “Subsites vs Site Collections“.

Kubler-Ross Change Curve

Now if you look at the change curve, you’ll notice that it starts going up when you start experimenting. In Technology experimenting means research, figuring things out and training. We need to enable ourselves and others to move forward.

I only started feeling better about the changes when I started learning. Ask questions, do research, watch webinars and videos, build examples and try things out.

The examples I have of people who are stuck in the “Angry / Depressed” state, all have one thing in common. They do not know enough to make better informed decisions.

If you’re in a management position, a consultant | Microsoft Partner, invest in yourself to get to know the product well enough to understand why the change is happening, and how it could benefit you / your company / your client.

Please lead by example, and make sure that the example you lead with, is a good one.

Perhaps you’re an employee in a company and you’re irritated by all these changes. You’ve worked so hard for years building these beautiful SharePoint sites and now everything has changed. This is understandable, all I can do is suggest that you ask your department or HR / IT for more training / resources regarding Modern SharePoint. Maybe get someone to deliver a talk on the changes and benefits? This will definitely help you move into the “experimenting phase” and pretty soon, you’ll be ok.

After all, the most important part of Change Management is communicating what will change, how will it impact you and why is it better. I’m hoping your company does that?


Life is a negotiation, a compromise. If you’re waiting for that perfect place, you’ll wait forever. If you’re upset with all the changes in #SharePoint Online, make a list. Below is just an example. This will help you identify what you think you cannot live without, and whether maybe there’s better ways of doing it. This will also help you understand the changes better, and perhaps the reason for them:


There is a wonderful Microsoft community out there, always will to help. Follow the product groups on Twitter, sign up for Tech Community, keep your eye on the Microsoft 365 Roadmap and What’s new in Office 365. There really are a lot of free resources out there to help you. And remember, you don’t have to be part of the problem, you can be part of the solution and change your future. Loads of features are built, changes made because people like you and me logged it and voted for it. Use the Customer Feedback for Microsoft Office 365 User Voice to add suggestions and search if some are made already, so you can vote for it.

Change cannot be avoided, evolution and revolution will happen. Instead of spending your energy on complaining or finding loopholes to avoid the change, rather invest in yourself, learn as much as you can and become an Office 365 rockstar. Be the light in the tunnel for the others who are still struggling to find their way.



Disclaimer: I create content about Office / Microsoft 365. Content is accurate at time of publication, however updates and new additions happen daily which could change the accuracy or relevance. Please keep this in mind when using my blogs as guidelines. And yes, I change my mind all the time as well, because “The only thing that is constant, is change”.

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